Thursday 16 January 2014

MEST 1 Feedback


Mr Bush feedback-

WWW-good analysing of sound and editing
EBI-missed opportunities to discuss audience theory. Re-do Q4

The program can be seen to inform its audience in two ways one way being to inform about the penguins and the second being inform the audience on the struggles that the camera crew faced when the program was being filmed. The voice over that has been done by David Attenmborough add an informative aspect to the the program. Frozen planet educated through the use of commentary , David Attenmborough  gives information about the penguins but also on the camera crew. by exploring the difficulties that the crew had faced and to what extents that had to go in order to be able to get the shots. Entertainment was created through the penguins such as showing funny aspects of the penguins, flying out of the water on to the cameras men. "getting attacked by the penguins" is a quote take from the extract and which helps add to the humour. another example of how frozen planet has been used to entertain is where the slow motion has been used in order to show the belly flop "biggest belly flop". these are examples of how the the program informs , educates and entertains its audience. the audience for a program like Frozen planet would be using social demo graphics would be people in the E , D , C2 , C1 categories as it shown on a Wednesday at 9pm  

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