What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his
Ben believes that everyone has a reasons for what happens,
we talk about his like and explains that he came from a dysfunctional family and
that he got kicked out of school. Ben explains that he did not have respect for
authority such as police and teachers, the reason for this is because he felt
he and others were ignored by society. He explained there was music that we
listened to and it was used to guide us and we grew up, not all music positive
but glamorises the street life of guns, gangs and drugs. But there was also
other music which was more like poetry known as Conscious hip-hop change his
life just one sentence could change your life and this has made him want to
change things that he didn’t agree with. We did not agree with what was happening
in the media but he understood there were reasons behind them such as parents
being on drugs alcohol and some kids have been abused mentally or even
physically. We wanted to make change he therefore made his album and to help
guide kids and for his music to be seen as a father figure so that kids can do
well, but to communicate with kids you have to swear and talk about violence as
that’s what attract them but behind his music was a bigger picture exposing the
truth of gang cultures, drugs and guns. He believes that mainstream music is glamorising
the street life and that ben wants people to see and realise that they can succeed
and that this the street life is not the way forward. Ben wanted people in the
local area to be in the film and found that there was a lot of talent but the 2
boys were considered for the film but only one was successful and the other had
not but the cast director has seen his talent and took him on as the main role
in Topboy.
Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture?
Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the
audience for his music/films?
The target audience for this lecture I believe
is E,D,C2,C1 and B this is because of
the messages that Ben is trying to get across what he feel are the issues
within the media but also that young people need to be helped. Also the part
about the riots appeal to people in the C1 and B demographics as they felt the
teenagers were folk devils and hooligans. The Psychographic target audience for
this lecture Is mainstreams, aspirers, strugglers, explorer and reformers, the
reasons I have chosen these groups is because they are people who want to
success but reformers are types of people that make judgement based on their
own awareness not on what the media show. I believe that it is the same for his
movies because his movies are there to help create awareness of not glamorising
street life but also helping people to understand that it is easy for the media
to point out the negatives but not explain the whole story of everything but
also to help people realised that there are reasons behind every action. His music
is very important also as he said it there to help guide people and to help
them realise the truth of street life, his films also are there to do the same
thing and to help create awareness to teenagers and adults.
What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can
be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics? Read this summary of moral
panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.
Cohen media theory of moral panic is that a
moral panic occurs when a “condition, episode, person or group emerges to
become defined as a threat to societies values and interests.” Ben says that
there is demonization of the youth throughout the media, and that people are
falling for it. Ben then talks about his experiences with and explains that “if
you have had no direct contact with these kids that ben is talking about how
the hell can you judge them? Because you’re only judging them based on something
you read in the newspaper, aren’t you? This can be linked to Cohen theory
because people believe that if one youth was to something then everyone is like
that and therefore youths are seen as folk devils. For example the London riot
is an example that was used by ben that the youth have started riots and
looting because they have no choice all the youth centre and summer school and
been shut down and mean that kids have nowhere but the streets to go. The riots
had made people think of youth more of folk devils due to the media and how the
media portray them.