How are characters/stars in the film represented in:

Now look at what values and ideologies are communicated within these representations
The combined use of showing human character and “transformers” suggests that it is war against the “deceptacons” (bad transformers) which helps to give information on the narrative, the location also help to reinforce a war as violence and battles are shown which again strengthens the fact that a war/battle is going to take place. The character that are shown also helps the audience to be able to identify the importance of characters and what their roles in the film may be. It also attract audiences to the film as the main character have fan bases from the previous films but also other film such as shia labeouf and John Turturro. By using characters that are well known means that a larger audience is likely to watch the film, it also means that by presenting different characters with different roles that people feel inspired by the character and want to be like them. Teaser trailers and trailers were posted on social networking sites which allows audiences to be able to post comments on what they think but also on what they think might take place.
E-media has a focus on the transformers which suggests that they play a big role in the film, also optimus prime is used who is the leader of the “Autobots” which suggests that he has a significant amount of importance in the film. The same background used in print media is used again which again helps to strengthen the idea of a war/ battle that may take place. This can help an idea of what the narrative may be and what the film may be about. The website also have links for all the social networking sites, where the film/toys can be brought and also links to the new transformers 4 movie. This allows audiences to be able to have access to the transformers synergy, which means that it can allows audiences to be more involved with the film. the audiences can take part though commenting on social networking sites but also be able to share the website for their friend to see.
Now think of how the film communicates with audiences across the 3 platforms:
Across the film all 3 suggests that there is a suggestion of war/battle that is going to take place. The use of using the space trips suggests that there is something that the government found that we don’t know yet. This suggests that the film may be about something that they found which leads to the war/battle, it also help introduce new characters such as shockwave.
Are there any differences or similarities in the representations of:
- Print media?
- Broadcast media (TV/Radio/DVD)?
- E-Media?
- Select some examples from each platform and perform some textual analysis (trailers, magazine articles, adverts, tweets, radio interviews etc)
On print media the main stars of the film are
selected for example optimus prime, shockwave and bubble bee theses are
examples of some of the main characters that are created by CGI (computer
generated image) who play a big role in the film. Traditionally film use human
characters as they are well known and have a fan base which can help the
success of the film, in this case transformers have already an established
brand and fan base which was meant that the characters used are iconic characters
of the film and therefore making them easily identifiable by audiences. The character
is shown in ruined city showing debris, spaceships and broken building which
suggests that the character has been placed in an important part of the film.

In broadcast media the stars are presented as the
main characters whereas print has a focus on the “transformers”, in the trailer
the humans are shown as the main characters and are shown to have the biggest
roles such as, in the military and when they falling in the broken building. Through
the film the humans are presented as the main characters however each character
has a different role and their actions are a certain consequence. For instance “Sam”
who is the main character is seen as a messenger by him being so involved with
the “Autobots” lead “Carley” being involved in the fight. The characters are
mainly presented in a positive way and each person has an important role.
The E-media website has a focus more on optimus prime
who plays a big role in the film also, the character is shown in a city with
smoke , spaceships and guns which suggests a war. This suggests that optimus
prime plays a big role in the film and is in the middle of the war which suggests
that he may be the hero.
- Think about the people/places/ideas that are used/communicated
- How and why they are presented to the audience in this way?
- How is the audience represented? Do they get a chance to represent themselves? E.g. Twitter.
The representation of the “transformers” suggests
that they play a big role in the film and help bring a new equilibrium to the
story. The place also suggests that that NASA played a big role in the film
such as the launch of the transformers. This has been done in order to keep the
audiences in suspense and help build up the “hype” for the film, this also
helps attract an audience to watch the film but also helps to attract audience
fan bases from the previous two films. Images that are used for print are also
posted on social networking sites which allows audiences to be able to comment and
like/share posts which means that fans are able to help promote the film but be
able to find out more information by analysing photos.
Are there any differences or similarities in the representations of:
- The actors/stars (their star persona)
- People (race, gender, age etc)
- Places (countries, regions, etc)
- Values and ideologies (class, politics, religion, lifestyle, beliefs etc)
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