- What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text?
The use of the titles being big and write in the middle is an example of media key conventions it allow the audience to be able to establish the main purpose of the media product by knowing what it is. in the case ILL Manors being in a large font means that it is eye catching and makes audience to look it and take an interest, another aspect of media key conventions that have been used is the colour of the font. The white stands out more then anything on the cover as everything but the text uses dark colours but the font is in white. another key convention is that the cover is using the ability to attract people through the branding of the product, the cover has Plan B and also Ben drew which means that they are trying to attract a wide audience as they have used to names that are associated with him that people may recognise.
- What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
The use of the the title ill manors is one way that it helps to identify the brand also the text "plan b" and Ben Drew" is another way as he is the person who created it people may be able to identify the ill manors brand through him. another way that the ill manors brand can be identified is through the text on "Plan B" is another way as this is Plans B's first film people who follow his may identify that it is his film.
- What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
- What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text?
again the title follow that same key convention that was used on the dvd cover but is also the same on the bill board.the title s being big and right in the middle is an example of media key conventions it allow the audience to be able to establish the main purpose of the media product by knowing what it is. in the case ILL Manors being in a large font means that it is eye catching and makes audience to look it and take an interest, another aspect of media key conventions that have been used is the colour of the font. The white stands out more then anything on the cover as everything but the text uses dark colours but the font is in white. another method of branding has been done is through plan B record label the razor blade is the logo that presents plan b record label.
- What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
by having the razor blade allows the advert to attract a wider audience because it means that people may recognise his record label and then may want to watch the film. the logo is another way to establish the brand , one final way is that an image of plan B has been placed which means that audiences may associate him with plan B and his record label.
- What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
i have no clue

- What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text?
the key conventions are the use of using images in order to attract the audience, by showing different images allows audiences to take an interest in the magazine. also the use of plan B is another way to help branding as fans may recognise him and therefore take an interest, also him being behind the camera denotes that he is filming which would mean that people may think that the magazine is a behind the scenes or insight in to plan B. also ill manors has been used in red rather then the white then been used in other platforms which means that a different approach is being used in order to attract the audience, red connotes love and death which could be what the film is trying to portray.
- What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
the use of the title is one way that helps identify the brand , also another way is through plan B as he is associated with ill manors which is another way that can help identify the ill manors brand
- What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
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