Sunday 1 December 2013

Audience theory

Hypodermic needle theory-

Playing violent videos games can be said to have factors of the hypodermic needle theory. The hypodermic needle theory is a model of communications suggesting that media institutions inject messages/views that are completely accepted by the receiver. The theory links with the newspaper article from the daily mail about how playing violent video games can increase aggressive behaviours.  The article based on the headline is very deceiving and is a very good example of how the hypodermic needle theory has been applied, the head line which is “Playing violent video games for just 20 minutes a day can encourage aggressive behaviour” this shows the media is trying to get people’s attention by suggesting that playing “video games” can increase aggressive behaviour. The heading says “video games “ which is very generic , however after further reading the article it then says that non-violent games played for 20 minutes for 3 consecutive days has no effect on aggression. However once reading more in the article it then refers to previous studies which suggests that playing videos game frequently can shows a suggestions of increase aggression.   

Two-step flow model-
Jamal Edwards is a good example of how the two step flow theory can be applied. The two step theory is broken down into 2 steps, the first step- opinion leaders get information from a media source the second step- opinion leaders then pass the information, along with their own interpretations. Jamal Edwards had used the media in order to expand his success, youtube was key in helping Jamal Edwards be able to get the opportunities that had help him become successful. 

Blumler and katz’s-

Diversion-people use the media to fulfill needs of companionship, and to form relationships with others. OK magazine is a good example if this it allows people to be engaged with celebrity relationships but also allows people to relate there on problems with similar ones that can be found in the magazine

Personal relationships-people use the media to fulfill needs of companionship, and to form relationships with others. Facebook is an example of how people can do this by posting statuses and showing there relationship status and who it is with.

Personal identity-media is used by individuals to find out about yourself, sometimes people that are presented, in some way to reflect us. Jeremy Kyle show is an example of how media can help individuals find out more about themselves , the Jeremy Kyle show allows people to reflect some of their life to similar situations in the program.

Surveillance- using the media to find out what is going on around us, for example reading a magazine, which tells us what has been going on in the daily lives of celebrities. The news is a very good example of how people use the uses and Gratifications theory in order to have surveillance on what’s going on around the world and locally. The news allows people to be informed but also educated.

Dependency theory-

 What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)I use the media for 3 reasons for entertainment, information and to be educated.

To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media? I feel we are very reliant on the media, we use the media to help us create views and opinions on certain things. I feel this has happed because people have more trust in the media and believe that “if its public is has to be true” which has meant that the public have become very narrow minded in what they think. The public being dependent on the media has meant that the public are using the ability to think for themselves less but also are not breaking down information as much to see both side but only believe what they read.

·      Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years?  Over the last 10 years people have become more dependent on the media to help keep them informed but also people believe that the media give accurate representation of what is going on in the world as they believe that if media institutions publish it then it’s true. With digital media that has also increased in the past years has meant that people have quicker and easy access to accessing media of smart phones and tablets this has therefore meant that people are able to keep up to date more quickly but also are more informed.

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